Get Ready for War!!!

Israel just launched missiles and destroyed Iranian targets in Syria. Iran just sent missiles to the Golan Heights in Israel. Israel is set to severly retaliate against Iran, maybe tomorrow. Donald Trump was saber rallying against North Korea, threatening to overthrow their regime. This was until they recently submitted to de-nuclearization. Cuba's Communist Government is about to fold allowing for international flights from America to land there. What do all of these countries have in common? Iran, North Korea and Cuba are not part of the Federal Reserve Banking System. Libya used to be on that list and you see what happened there.

Like I said before, the idiot box is meant to program us. I remember when George Bush was calling these countries "Axis of Evil". But the only crimes these countries were guilty of were not wanting to be fleeced by the Rothschild owned Federal Bank. It's not federal at all but privately owned by the world's hidden elite. That twenty trillion dollar debt that the U.S. owes, they owe to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Is it a coincidence that the same countries that we vilify are the ones that are not a part of this banking system? Is it a coincidence that all of a sudden Israel has struck Iranian targets in Syria just as Donald Trump has pulled out of the nuclear deal? It's no coincidence, it's a well placed strategy. War is money. The Rothschilds will finance both sides. Often people hear about these conflicts all over the world, from Syrian rebels to the Congo, but no one ever asks "Where do the weapons come from?" More than that, "Where does the money for the weapons come from?"

When you see Syrian rebels and rebels in African Nations carrying AK-47's, how do the weapons get there and where does the money come from? Where do they get the ammunition so desperately needed to fight these wars on a consistent basis? It's funny how they have money for wars, guns and ammunition all over the world but don't have enough money to feed the starving in these third world countries.

This is the truth, North Korea will submit and become a part of the Federal Reserve Banking System or their regime will be overthrown. Cuba is already in the fold and Iran is getting ready to be attacked. If you don't know by now, war is the most profitable entity there is on earth. The elites don't give a shit about human life. A bullet is worth more than human life to them because ammunition puts money in their pocket. Iran is in the crosshairs. Get ready for war!

Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1) and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2) by Russell Vann


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