We are All Ignorant Slaves

The definition of ignorant is lacking knowledge or awareness in general. The definition of a slave is a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.

This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. When you read these words, you won't be able to unread them. You will have no excuses. If when you're eighty years old, you wind up sitting in a diaper in a wheelchair, in a nursing home watching Bugs Bunny sixteen hours a day, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

The wisdom I'm about to give you is golden, righteous and certain for every human being born on this earth. The first thing we must understand is that knowledge is power. If you are constantly distracted by trivial things such as Stormy Daniels, Cardi B., Syria, undocumented immigrants, Black Lives Matter, school shootings, Muslim terrorists, and the biggest deception of all, racism, you're like a slave on LSD, picking cotton and happy to do so.

While our children, teenagers, spouses, and parents are being programmed and distracted by the above mentioned, our slaves masters, The Council on Foreign Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, and Yale's Skull and Bones Club are planning how to get the maximum amount of slave labor from us as possible.

Most working class and poor people have never heard of these groups, except for in conspiracy theories, and are not taken seriously at all. These men and their ancestors, had long ago decided that they would not only enslave the Africans, but every human being that was not of their bloodline through marriage or birth. It is impossible to believe that one percent of the world's population owns half of the world's wealth and their goal is to get the other half.

This has been the Master Plan all along. The ones that are not born into the bloodline of the one percent will have a value appointed to them at each stage of their life. During infancy through age fifteen, investments are made to brainwash and indoctrinate the children into believing that money is everything. If you want something nice, want to drive a nice car, and live in a nice house in a safe neighborhood, you're going to have to work for it. After that is instilled, our children our grow into young adults and are introduced to the workforce. That's when they start to pay taxes.

From the years of constant programming through media of all types, the young adult doesn't just except the clothes on your back, roof over your head, food in your stomach scenario, they look at the one percent and say "I want more." They want the most expensive things although they do the same things as the least expensive things do.

The young adult turns into a middle aged adult and are now trapped in the very scenario that they have been programmed and indoctrinated to be in. They're overworked, under-paid and can't do a damn thing about it except to keep doing it. Then, if they get hip to the game and not pay their taxes, the system is designed to confiscate everything they have, put them in jail and have them work for fifty to seventy five cents an hour creating revenue for the state in some kind of prison industry.

When they become seniors, and have worked all of their lives while the government has sucked out every dime from their working years from social security taxes, federal taxes, local taxes, sale tax, property taxes, if you're lucky enough to own property, and any other tax they could think of. The end result is them sucking more from you through Medicare Part B, prescription drugs, and health insurance. By the time they finish our seniors are eating cat food.

This sh*t is global. This is why we see people in other countries starving by the millions, and living in squalor because they have no monetary value to the elite. If you don't want to end up like everybody else, stop falling for all the bullsh*t you see on television. Black people don't hate white people, white people don't hate black people, Americans don't hate Mexicans. We are all God's children.

The above mentioned groups want us divided. Divided we are ignorant and weak. Their worst nightmare would be for us to unite. They wouldn't want us to start asking questions. We need to demand accountability in unity because as history has shown, when an individual steps up from the underclass, he is either corrupted or murdered.

To sum it all up, forget all of the marches, unless your marching for the unity against the one percent, not the Wall Street bullsh*t, but globally. Let's all unite and trust in God or we're all just Ignorant Slaves.

Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1) and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2) by Russell Vann


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