Why Does Love Turn to Hate?
At what point in a relationship does one think to themselves "I can't stand this muthafucker. I don't want to be married to him or her anymore?" Where was the turning point that all those vows that you took before God became unfulfillable? Could it have been a lack of communication or just a general feeling of not loving the person anymore?
I've been in a loving relationship with my wife for thirty four years. There have been ups and downs, good and bad, but I know that through all of the turbulent times that I still loved her as I love myself. At no point in thirty four years did I ever think "I hate that bitch." I might have thought "That bitch gets on my nerves sometimes." I'm sure she's thought "That muthafucker gets on my nerves sometimes." But there has never been a thought of hate between us.
Now I've been in past relationships where I can tell you that during the relationship, every time I looked at the woman, I said to myself "I hate this bitch!" I knew early on that I didn't see myself growing old with this woman. Instead of cutting her loose early in the relationship, I let the relationship linger and my feelings of resentment fester until I hated the very sound of her voice.
So my advice is: If you can't see yourself growing old with a person, cut it lose early. Be honest with yourself and the other person because the longer you let feelings and emotions fester, in the end, the more you will hate each other.
Read more: Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
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Ghetto Bastard 2
by Russell Vann
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