I Know She's In A Better Place

I know that when she died, the world became a darker place than when she was here. I know she’s in a better place.

Everybody wants to get to Heaven but nobody wants to die.  We also don't want our loved ones to die which is sometimes the most selfish act imaginable.  We can see our loved ones in a shell of a body suffering from some kind of terminal illness but we still tell them to "Hold on and fight" just because we don't want to lose them.  It's easier to tell a person to fight when you're not the one that has to go through chemo therapy or various surgeries to remove tumors and the like.

When my friend Julie died, she was not in a good place in her life.  In her heart she was hurting.  She lost her only son to a drug overdose, her brother was murdered and most of the people around her were blood suckers.  She was the kindest person I knew besides my great grandmother.  She would give you the shirt off of her back even if she only had one.

I didn't want her to die, but I knew that this ugly world would do nothing but consume her as she became older.  I truly believe that she is in a better place and that she deserves it.


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