“I been thinking, and I talked to Nana, and I decided to keep you.”

When children are born, there is a period of time when that maternal bond between mother and child is developed.  It is a bond that is eternal. If that time has passed and the bond is not formed, it is lost forever. This usually occurs between the day of birth and age three. Those early years in a child's life are the most critical in developing human bonding.

No matter how awful a parent might be, if they have raised their child from birth, that child will still love them.  However, in today's times often parents try to come into their child's life after not raising them.  They often come expecting some kind of maternal loyalty just because they are the birth parent.  Once that bonding time has passed it is gone forever.  The birth parent is just another individual in this world to the child they gave birth to.

When I was seven years old, I only knew my mother for about two years.  That consisted of a weekend here, a weekend there. In fact, I don't ever remember living with her. There was no maternal bond.  I didn't know her. She was just someone that picked me up and dropped me off.

When children are young, they look to their mothers as their protectors.  When my mother sat at the table and told me she was going to keep me I felt like I was being kid-napped from the woman that I bonded with, the woman I loved.

How many people can attest to that maternal bond?  You can't see it, you can't hear it, but if you got it you know it's there.

Read more in Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir and Ghetto Bastard 2 available on Amazon or at ghettobastard.com.


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