Don't Blame Trump!
Everybody wants to blame Donald Trump for everything. Women want to blame him for sexism. Illegal aliens want to blame him for deportations. Black people want to blame him for racism. Democrats want to blame him just for winning. Guess what people - all that shit was around before Donald Trump was elected.
All of a sudden, rappers want to jump in his ass about supporting Donald Trump. But yet, before he became president, the same rappers used to admire him for his wealth and prestige. He was the big baller back then. Now that the media has programmed them, they want to jump on the "Hate Trump" bandwagon.
Donald Trump is the same person he was thirty years ago. Nothing has changed except for the fact that he is the President now. He cheated on his wife, he cheated on his second wife, he filed bankruptcy and he loves good looking women. Sounds like the average American male with a million dollars.
The only thing that Donald Trump has done was bring to the light what womanizers, racists and immigration deporters have been doing in the dark. More illegal immigrants got deported under the administration of Barack Obama. No one was talking shit then. Now that it's in the light instead the dark, it's this big Trump influence.
Donald Trump does not have that kind of power to influence people like that. The whole reason people voted for him was because they could relate to him being imperfect. All the people that want to jump on the "Fuck Donald Trump" bandwagon is only galvanizing his base. This is because when you look at TV everyday, and all they're doing is attacking him, it makes him look like the underdog. Who doesn't root for the underdog?
So, for all you women that blame him for sexism, why don't you blame the women that are objectifying their bodies in the media and magazines? Woman like Stormy Daniels, Cardi B. and Nicky Minaj, who have no problem talking about how they like to suck dick.
For all the illegal immigrants that are in fear of being deported, blame all the illegal gang members that are bringing in drugs, killing their own people and terrorizing their own neighborhoods like MS-13, bringing a spotlight on illegal immigrants.
For all the Black people who march every time a white cop kills a black man or young black boy, go march your ass on Chicago's Southside and shut down those drug dealers and murderers of black people. It's easier to point a finger at Donald Trump and blame him for all of society's woe's, but Donald Trump is the same person he has been for the last fifty years. If you want to make a difference, start checking the scumbags in your own neighborhoods first because they are the sources of your discontent. Don't blame Donald Trump.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2)
by Russell Vann
All of a sudden, rappers want to jump in his ass about supporting Donald Trump. But yet, before he became president, the same rappers used to admire him for his wealth and prestige. He was the big baller back then. Now that the media has programmed them, they want to jump on the "Hate Trump" bandwagon.
Donald Trump is the same person he was thirty years ago. Nothing has changed except for the fact that he is the President now. He cheated on his wife, he cheated on his second wife, he filed bankruptcy and he loves good looking women. Sounds like the average American male with a million dollars.
The only thing that Donald Trump has done was bring to the light what womanizers, racists and immigration deporters have been doing in the dark. More illegal immigrants got deported under the administration of Barack Obama. No one was talking shit then. Now that it's in the light instead the dark, it's this big Trump influence.
Donald Trump does not have that kind of power to influence people like that. The whole reason people voted for him was because they could relate to him being imperfect. All the people that want to jump on the "Fuck Donald Trump" bandwagon is only galvanizing his base. This is because when you look at TV everyday, and all they're doing is attacking him, it makes him look like the underdog. Who doesn't root for the underdog?
So, for all you women that blame him for sexism, why don't you blame the women that are objectifying their bodies in the media and magazines? Woman like Stormy Daniels, Cardi B. and Nicky Minaj, who have no problem talking about how they like to suck dick.
For all the illegal immigrants that are in fear of being deported, blame all the illegal gang members that are bringing in drugs, killing their own people and terrorizing their own neighborhoods like MS-13, bringing a spotlight on illegal immigrants.
For all the Black people who march every time a white cop kills a black man or young black boy, go march your ass on Chicago's Southside and shut down those drug dealers and murderers of black people. It's easier to point a finger at Donald Trump and blame him for all of society's woe's, but Donald Trump is the same person he has been for the last fifty years. If you want to make a difference, start checking the scumbags in your own neighborhoods first because they are the sources of your discontent. Don't blame Donald Trump.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
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