The Simple Truth
In the 1940's, 50's and 60's a man could go to work and provide for his family. The woman would stay home and nurture the children. There was no need for Day Care Centers or a second income. All of a sudden a man couldn't earn enough to take care of his family and the woman had to go to work and leave the nurturing of the children to strangers.
In the old days, the nursing homes were not bursting at the seems because family took care of their elders. Now, they're discarded and the system sucks them dry of anything of value they saved in life including every Medicare dollar possible. In fact, a senior has to sign away all of their valuable assets to the nursing home, no matter what the amount.
Back in the day, our children were taught to be competitive, strong, and righteous. Today they are taught that there are no winners, there are no losers, and that we're all the same, thus, creating a generation of weak people. This is because when the children grow into adults, the world shows them something completely different. They realize they haven't been given the tools to properly prepare for life. They see that there are winners and losers and that we are not all the same.
Before video games there was no obesity because children went outside to play. They would run around and burn energy. Young boys were taught to become young men and young girls were taught to become ladies. There was a common decency instilled in our youth. Back then, a parent was allowed to discipline their child without fear of reprisals from teachers, Social Services and the Government.
In today's time, everybody seems to be struggling just to stay afloat. Statistics say that 50% of marriages break up. Obesity is at an all time high. There are over 2 million people incarcerated in the U.S. Taxes keep going up with no sign of them being reduced. Peoples homes are being foreclosed on. Cars are being repossessed. Societies moral integrity has digressed.
Everything I've just described to you only applies to middle-class and poor people. None of these things are happening to rich people, their children or their children's children. The rich get richer, the working class become the poor and our children grow up poor to become the working poor.
Rich people and the Government do not care about the working poor, they just want to create more of them so that they are guaranteed a slave force. The more working poor there is, the longer they will have to work. So in the future, they will have to be seventy five to get Social Security.
This is a hard pill to swallow, knowing that our children will have to work all of their lives with a system that's plotting against them. Their destinies have already been determined by the mere fact that we have a twenty trillion dollar deficit. By the time they become adults it will be thirty trillion. Who do you think is going to pay that? This is not propaganda, it's the simple truth.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2)
by Russell Vann
In the old days, the nursing homes were not bursting at the seems because family took care of their elders. Now, they're discarded and the system sucks them dry of anything of value they saved in life including every Medicare dollar possible. In fact, a senior has to sign away all of their valuable assets to the nursing home, no matter what the amount.
Back in the day, our children were taught to be competitive, strong, and righteous. Today they are taught that there are no winners, there are no losers, and that we're all the same, thus, creating a generation of weak people. This is because when the children grow into adults, the world shows them something completely different. They realize they haven't been given the tools to properly prepare for life. They see that there are winners and losers and that we are not all the same.
Before video games there was no obesity because children went outside to play. They would run around and burn energy. Young boys were taught to become young men and young girls were taught to become ladies. There was a common decency instilled in our youth. Back then, a parent was allowed to discipline their child without fear of reprisals from teachers, Social Services and the Government.
In today's time, everybody seems to be struggling just to stay afloat. Statistics say that 50% of marriages break up. Obesity is at an all time high. There are over 2 million people incarcerated in the U.S. Taxes keep going up with no sign of them being reduced. Peoples homes are being foreclosed on. Cars are being repossessed. Societies moral integrity has digressed.
Everything I've just described to you only applies to middle-class and poor people. None of these things are happening to rich people, their children or their children's children. The rich get richer, the working class become the poor and our children grow up poor to become the working poor.
Rich people and the Government do not care about the working poor, they just want to create more of them so that they are guaranteed a slave force. The more working poor there is, the longer they will have to work. So in the future, they will have to be seventy five to get Social Security.
This is a hard pill to swallow, knowing that our children will have to work all of their lives with a system that's plotting against them. Their destinies have already been determined by the mere fact that we have a twenty trillion dollar deficit. By the time they become adults it will be thirty trillion. Who do you think is going to pay that? This is not propaganda, it's the simple truth.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
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