The Bill Cosby Double Standard
I grew up watching Bill Cosby and the Cosby Show. The guilty verdict of Bill Cosby disappointed me. Truth be told, Bill did it to himself. I don't think he did what he was found guilty of, I just think he took advantage of young women looking for that rocket ship to stardom by hooking up with a celebrity. Yeah, he gave them some Quaaludes to get high, but that's what they did back in those days, Quaaludes. He probably f*ucked a few of them, but the comedian Eddie Griffith posed a very enlightening question; What kind a woman goes to a hotel room of a known married man at night?
The reason I say Bill bought it on himself is because of that fact alone. He is a married man. He had no business being with those woman in the first place. He's a womanizer; he has no respect for the sanctity of marriage. Instead of being like wealthy white men, who set up their side chick with a house, car and monthly stipend to shut them up, he chose to take advantage of aspiring woman and then leave them high, dry and vindictive. He is a victim of his own demise. His legacy is forever tarnished even though he has done immeasurable good for the Black Community. I knew they were going to bring him down when they started calling him "America's Dad".
Let's get real. Roman Polanski, who drugged and raped a thirteen year old girl and was convicted, fled the country before incarceration. There was no extradition for a convicted child rapist, nor was there world outcry for his incarceration. In fact, he was honored just a few years ago by the Academy Awards. There was no mention of his conviction just accolades of his accomplishments and the cheers of the same people that are persecuting Bill Cosby.
I'm not saying Bill was right, he's a freak but he's no child rapist. Those woman were used but they were also trying to use Bill because his stardom. This last incident with Bill makes me question a lot of things like, what was Andrea Constand doing asleep in the living room of his mansion, that has a least ten bedrooms, while his wife was asleep in her bedroom? There's a lot of questions to be answered. However, Roman Polanski is a straight up pedophile, free to travel the world and rape other children. What a double standard.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2)
by Russell Vann
The reason I say Bill bought it on himself is because of that fact alone. He is a married man. He had no business being with those woman in the first place. He's a womanizer; he has no respect for the sanctity of marriage. Instead of being like wealthy white men, who set up their side chick with a house, car and monthly stipend to shut them up, he chose to take advantage of aspiring woman and then leave them high, dry and vindictive. He is a victim of his own demise. His legacy is forever tarnished even though he has done immeasurable good for the Black Community. I knew they were going to bring him down when they started calling him "America's Dad".
Let's get real. Roman Polanski, who drugged and raped a thirteen year old girl and was convicted, fled the country before incarceration. There was no extradition for a convicted child rapist, nor was there world outcry for his incarceration. In fact, he was honored just a few years ago by the Academy Awards. There was no mention of his conviction just accolades of his accomplishments and the cheers of the same people that are persecuting Bill Cosby.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
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