Bastard Children!!!
It seems to be the norm that all of these celebrities are having babies out of wedlock thus influencing impressionable children and teenagers that emulate them, to imitate their behavior. This is why we have a nation full of poor bastard children. Celebrities make it look easy with their round the clock nannies.
I'm not putting down bastard children. I am a bastard child myself. I'm putting down their f*cking parents. No child should be raised in a single parent household. When a child is subject to only one parents nurturing they are not nurtured but programmed because they tend to imitate that parents views of life, likes and dislikes and even sometimes, religion.
When there is a two parent household, the child is subject to a difference of opinion because the parents are two different people. A woman's role is to nurture and the man's role is to provide and protect. But, because of the bastardizing of our children the woman is designated to provide the roles of the nurturer, provider and protector. Sometimes she falls short because she's only human and she's meant to have help raising a child.
One of the worst things you can have is a woman raising a male child without a male influence around. Her actions may not be intentional but the greater odds are that she will raise a weak man. This problem will perpetuate itself because that weak man will bastardize other children. Those children will be weak because they have no role models.
This is why the ghettos, trailer parks, and barrios will always be full. If there is no one around to teach a boy how to be a man, all you will have when he grows up is a big ass, cry baby, momma's boy.
So to all the young people out there, marching for whatever you're marching for, why don't you march for men to step up and act like men. Real men marry the mother of their children. Real men take care of their children. Real men provide for their families. Real men protect their families. Real men don't have any Bastard Children.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2)
by Russell Vann
I'm not putting down bastard children. I am a bastard child myself. I'm putting down their f*cking parents. No child should be raised in a single parent household. When a child is subject to only one parents nurturing they are not nurtured but programmed because they tend to imitate that parents views of life, likes and dislikes and even sometimes, religion.
When there is a two parent household, the child is subject to a difference of opinion because the parents are two different people. A woman's role is to nurture and the man's role is to provide and protect. But, because of the bastardizing of our children the woman is designated to provide the roles of the nurturer, provider and protector. Sometimes she falls short because she's only human and she's meant to have help raising a child.
One of the worst things you can have is a woman raising a male child without a male influence around. Her actions may not be intentional but the greater odds are that she will raise a weak man. This problem will perpetuate itself because that weak man will bastardize other children. Those children will be weak because they have no role models.
This is why the ghettos, trailer parks, and barrios will always be full. If there is no one around to teach a boy how to be a man, all you will have when he grows up is a big ass, cry baby, momma's boy.
So to all the young people out there, marching for whatever you're marching for, why don't you march for men to step up and act like men. Real men marry the mother of their children. Real men take care of their children. Real men provide for their families. Real men protect their families. Real men don't have any Bastard Children.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
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