Jealousy and Money
Haters are going to hate especially when they ain't got shit. People will be jealous of your partner, your house, your clothes, and your appearance and that's just when you walk out of the front door. Can you imagine adding money into the mix?
I think of all these fools who come into large sums of money and then have all of their friends on the payroll, all the while, those same people were wishing they were them. The wishing then becomes resentment: "Why them, not me?" Then it leads to "I'll just take. They got it and won't miss it."
Here's my advice, if you suddenly come into a large sum of money and you want to help people you know, just give them some money and be done with them. As long as you are in a better position then they are, they will always hate on you.
Associate with people that are on a higher caliber than you are so that you can move forward. Don't try to tow the past behind, it's just dead weight.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
and Ghetto Bastard 2 (Volume 2)
by Russell Vann
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I think of all these fools who come into large sums of money and then have all of their friends on the payroll, all the while, those same people were wishing they were them. The wishing then becomes resentment: "Why them, not me?" Then it leads to "I'll just take. They got it and won't miss it."
Here's my advice, if you suddenly come into a large sum of money and you want to help people you know, just give them some money and be done with them. As long as you are in a better position then they are, they will always hate on you.
Associate with people that are on a higher caliber than you are so that you can move forward. Don't try to tow the past behind, it's just dead weight.
Ghetto Bastard: A Memoir (Volume 1)
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Bastard 2!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Ghetto Bastard 2
by Russell Vann
Giveaway ends February 04, 2018.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
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